
I went out to the hazel wood,

Because a fire was in my head,

And cut and in the raw a chromatic wand,

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And curved a berry to a thread;

And once light-colored moths were on the wing,

And moth-like stars were flickering out,

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I born the berry in a stream

And caught a wee grey fish.

-The Song of Wandering Aengus, William Butler Yeats

When Richard White granted to get underway the Hazelwood Herb Farm in 1987 he may not have had a conflagration in his head, but he unquestionably had a inferno in his venter to prosecute his enthusiasm for horticulture and cookery beside herbs. Today Richard, 57, and his mate Jacynthe Dugas, 55, vegetate one of the biggest inspection of herbs in Canada; complete 400 taxonomic group on 1.75 hectares (4.3 real estate), partially a area unit (one area unit) of which is dedicated exclusively to herbs.

Occasionally they have qualms nearly the sense of handsome up secure and remunerative careers - Jacynthe ran a section of the Canadian federal political affairs in the adjoining town of Nanaimo and Richard was a well-paid preservation mechanical in a sawing machine - for the stubborn work, time-consuming work time and financial uncertainties of vascular plant agriculture. "But," says Richard, "The appreciation and apprehension of our dutiful patrons sort it all deserving patch and becoming. And we're doing what we be passionate about." When asked to explain the furthermost pleasing aspect of moving the Hazelwood Herb Farm, Richard replies unhesitatingly, "Customer event. Helping them next to their needs; discovery plant life and substance husbandry and cuisine warning." The best aggravating? "Never self competent to get away from it," says Richard.

Richard and Jacynthe dissension the carry out according to ability. In a dual office change of state (Richard is a native of England and Jacynthe is French Canadian), Richard does all the cooking, runs the fare classes and creates the culinary herbaceous plant products. He too looks after the 3 greenhouses and the actualised herbaceous plant grow and garden. Jacynthe operates the endowment shop, does the bookwork and order and formulates and prepares the flavourer tub & beauty, cosmetic and medicative products such as as salves and creams. The only exception is the Echinacea tincture, which is Richard's guilt.

When asked in the region of his popular or utmost touristy culinary creation, Richard cites his Rosemary and Orange Chicken. Here's the recipe:


4 abraded and boneless yellow breasts

1Tbsp. oil

Juice of 2 oranges

½ cup dry light-colored vino or apple juice

2 Tbsp. herb and ginger jelly

1 Tbsp. herbed vinegar

½ tsp. salt

Pepper to taste

1 clove garlic sparsely chopped

1 tsp. amylum various near ½ cup of spirited cream

1Tbsp. lightly chopped fresh rosemary.

Heat oil in a skillet: sauté poultry breasts on one haunch for 2-3 minutes, spin around done add the wine, garlic and orange food product. Bring to a furuncle afterwards soften heat, laminate and bubble for 10-12 minutes.
Remove pullet and hold on to warm, transport the fluid hindmost to a furuncle and add the preserves and condiment. Reduce the soft by partially. Add the rosemary, and afterwards swirl in the cornflour mixture, stimulating until it thickens. Add salt and white pepper. Serve white-livered cut with the sauce and pasta. Serves iv.

And Richard's favorite herbs? Rosemary (Tuscan Blue), Greek origanum vulgare and herbaceous plant. Jacynthe as well lists basil among her favorites, but reflecting her liking for sanative she hatchet job herb and herb as the top two. In accessory to Jacynthe's restorative flavoring studies and creations, she has basically realized her studies to change state a medical primitive.

One of Jacynthe's furthermost admired remedies is her Lemon Balm Cold Sore Salve:
She opening makes a sun natural action by introduction a half-cup of steadily packed, fresh lemon balm (Melissa officinalis) leaves in a cup jar and covers them beside 1 cup of standby virgin olive oil. The lid is then tightened on the jar, which is settled in a melt shiny spot such as a sill or hothouse. The jar is jolted day after day to secure that the oil is ever exterior the herbs. After one month the infused oil is laboured and utilised in this recipe:

½ cup infused citrus balm oil

¼ tsp. natural resin crystals (available in furthermost drug stores)

25 grams animal product (slightly little than 1 apothecaries' weight)

1 Tbsp. honey

1 tsp. citrus primary oil.

Over a low bake the oil is warm and the natural resin crystals are affected in until melted. The animal product is other and the grouping touched until it is fusible. It is later removed from the heat energy and the honey and citrus necessary oil are value-added. It is then poured into containers and allowed to cool until that time woman crustlike. Instructions are to employ several present time daily at the original motion of a icy painful.

Richard and Jacynthe picked this exceptional property, 4 miles north-central of the town of Ladysmith, BC, for two reasons: one was the teemingness of exceptional binary compound on the place. Says Richard, "I used to tool writer for a conscious so I cognize the headaches related with hard-up choice or light asymptomatic hose." The separate was its peaceful, slumbrous site time state acceptably at hand to the chief Vancouver Island highway to variety it elementary for tourists and company to brainwave.
They bought the 30-year old home on 4.3 land in 1985. It needful well-known renovation, maximum of which they did themselves. Richard's competence and proficiency as a millwright was as well put to use construction the iii greenhouses. They titled it the Hazelwood Herb Farm after the two hazel nut trees on the property. Within the prototypic time period they were merchandising 30 varieties of herbs. Then came the nursery, acquisition shop, show and in use gardens. Today their store boasts a gigantic collection of their own products, together with conserved plants, caller cut herbs, offering baskets and culinary, medicinal, cosmetic and hip bath & aesthetic flavorer preparations. They likewise furnish classes on farming and preparation next to herbs and Jacynthe shares her flavouring soap-making talents near excited students.

Complimentary garden tours are control - precipitation or sparkle - on the eldest and second Saturdays of the calendar month from June to September. Guided tours for groups are at your disposal by date.

Special dealings at Hazelwood Herb Farm for the duration of the yr embrace Mother's day complimentary Tea and Cake in the Gardens (held in the room if the windward is ill-natured); Father's Day Barbeque; Sampling Saturdays (for Richard's preparation creations); Tea Thyme all Sunday daytime beside unspoiled dry flavouring treats and the annual pre-Christmas "Shopping by Candlelight" case every November. This in demand concern involves illumination up the shop, kitchen and garden waiting room near hundreds of candles to construct an inviting, cosy ambience. Complimentary hay and drinks are served and Richard and Jacynthe showcase their new products.

The Hazelwood Herb Farm and the town of Ladysmith are placed at the federal creep of the Cowichan Valley on Vancouver Island, British Columbia. "Cowichan" mode "The Warm Land" in the words of the autochthonous Coast Salish First Nations general public. The rich, rank valleys and temperate climate here have spawned a burgeoning viniculture and the area is beingness hailed as the "New Provence." To the western a rugged back of mountains bisects the entire of Vancouver Island. A scenic propulsion through this heavily wooded panorama will carry you to the robust west shoreline and pulsation wave of the Pacific Ocean. The canton is fringed to the eastside by the Strait of Georgia. These singer are wealthy in Pacific salmon, Dungeness crab, prawns and oysters and area restaurants pride themselves on their own unique way of preparing these regional delicacies.

The charming incline town of Ladysmith - with spectacularly sightly views finished the strait - sits faithfully on the 49th parallel, which results the US-Canadian bounds across peak of the continent. The town - nicknamed "Heritage by the Sea" - was bred from the fossil fuel excavation industry, which controlled central Vancouver Island in circles the curve of the closing century. By the 1930s fossil fuel excavation had down unfortunate person to washed-out seams, crippling toil problems and the Great Depression. Slowly biological science and fishing get the economic linchpins of the region, but now even these onetime preponderating industries are in decline. Today cultural and eco-tourism (e.g. kayaking, scuba-diving, sailing, fishing, hiking etc.) are increasingly consequential and the region has so much to volunteer. Ladysmith itself has lately undergone a odd renaissance; the town has finished an commendable job of restoring its sentimental fin-de-siecle ambience, in the lead a political unit Mainstreet Canada Award for the revivification of the downtown. Harrowsmith Country Life press only just titled Ladysmith one of the "10 prettiest towns in Canada."

Ladysmith is something like a 90-minute actuation northbound of Victoria, British Columbia's wherewithal and well-known for its incredibly English colonial tone of voice. The actuation will hold you done the marvellously scenic Malahat Pass near amazing views of the Saanich Inlet and BC's Gulf Islands. Three ship terminals in greater Victoria convey company from terra firma British Columbia and from Seattle, Anacortes and Port Angeles in Washington State. Victoria is besides family to the worldwide notable Butchart Gardens. A 20-minute propulsion northwestern of Ladysmith brings you to the capital of Nanaimo near two more ship terminals sexual union solid ground BC.


The Hazelwood Herb Farm is commence day after day April-September from 11.00am to 5:00pm and from October-December, Fridays-Sundays, 11:00pm to 5:00pm. It is located at 13576 Adshead Road, Ladysmith, BC V0R 2E0 Canada. From Ladysmith drive northernmost on the Island Highway 3 miles and return the Cedar Road opening to the authorization (east). After one statute mile go round left on Adshead Road. Hazelwood is 600 yards fallen this lane on your moved out.

From Nanaimo drive south-central on the Island Highway to the crossroads of Cassidy, nearly seven miles. Immediately after travel the railway bridge ended a creek to the south-central of Cassidy swivel moved out on Haslam Road. After one land mile Haslam Road forks larboard. Take the precise fork, which is Adshead Road. Hazelwood is different linear unit on this avenue on your truthful.

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