
June 9, 2005

1) Aztec Baby

On December 25, 2012 AD

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Computer Vision - ACCV 2007, 8 conf
Computer Vision-Computer Graphics Collaboration Techniques, 3 conf., MIRAGE 2007
Computer Vision - ECCV 2008, 10 conf., part 3
Computer Vision - ECCV 2008, 10 conf., part 4
Computer Vision Systems, 6 conf., ICVS 2008
Computing in Object-Oriented Parallel Environments, 2 conf., ISCOPE 98
Computing Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, Part 2
Conceptual Modeling for Advanced Application Domains, ER 2004 Workshops CoMoGIS
Conceptual Structures.. Knowledge Architectures for Smart Applications, 15 conf., ICCS 2007
Conceptual Structures.. Standards and Practices, 7 conf., ICCS '99
CONCUR 2007 - Concurrency Theory, 18 conf., CONCUR 2007
Constraint Processing.. selected papers
Construction and Analysis of Safe, Secure, and Interoperable Smart Devices, CASSIS 2004
Cooperative Design, Visualization, and Engineering, 1 conf., CDVE 2004

The Devil had an idea-

He'd clone himself

In the form of a baby;

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Coordination Models and Languages, 9 conf., COORDINATION 2007
Correct System Design
Creating Personalities for Synthetic Actors
Cross-Modal Analysis of Speech, Gestures, Gaze and Facial Expressions 2008
Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems - CHES 2002, 4 conf
Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems - CHES 2003, 5 conf
Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems - CHES 2005, 7 conf
Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems - CHES 2006, 8 conf
Cryptography and Coding, 11 conf
Cryptology and Network Security, 6 conf., CANS 2007
Current Topics in Artificial Intelligence, 10 conf., CAEPIA 2003
Current Trends in Database Technology - EDBT 2004
Data and Applications Security 23 conf
Database and Expert Systems Applications, 15 conf., DEXA 2004 Zaragoza

Called the Antichrist.

2) Scorpion Fetus

And from the fetus

Came beast from man

And from the Abyss

Came the raving demon

Man bolted into

Animals-that could

Think, ponder like man-

With tailcoat similar to scorpions

That would paralyze, sting;

All from, replicating...


Horrid, ramifications....

And thus, they came

They came to feast,

These Scorpion beasts

And brought humanity

Down, down, to its knees!...

These cloned hybrids,

Raving fiendish beasts

Half human partially late.

In Spanish/translated by Nancy Peñaloza

Bebé azteca

Sobre el 25 de diciembre de 2012 ANUNCIO

El Diablo tùvo una idea-

Él se reproduciría

En forma de un bebé;

Llamado el Anticristo.

Feto de Escorpión

Y del feto

Vino la bestia del hombre

Y del Abismo

Vino el demonio que delira

El hombre se cerró en

Animales - que podría

Pensar, pensar como el hombre-

Con colas como Escorpiones

Esto paralizaría, picando;

desde Todo , reproduciendo ...


Horribles, ramificaciones.

Y así, ellos vinieron

Ellos vinieron al banquete,

Estas bestias de Escorpión

Y humanidad traída

¡Abajo, abajo, a sus rodillas!...

Estos híbridos reproducidos,

Bestias demoníacas que deliran

mitad humana y mitad muerto.

About the author: Mr. Siluk is a world traveler, a lover of the mysteries in the region of the world, and has call on more World Heritage Sites, whatever of his recent travels have been to Panama, Easter Island, the Galapagos and Mesa Verde. His books can be seen on/at Barns and,, Wal-Mart, Alibis, Boarders and various some other sites and newspaper stores. Many of his books can be purchased done the English Bookdealers. He spends his case involving Lima, Peru and St. Paul, Minnesota, and has only spent working on two new books: "The Macabre Poems," and "Perhaps it's Love," and continues to occupation on "Curse of the Abyss Worm," a tense mystery, and "Cold Kindness," a sad be keen on concern. Along beside several verse books in English and Spanish

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